People suffering from depression tend to be less interested in excessive exercise and physical activity. However, this is exactly what feeds the spiral of depression – in fact, physical activity of all kinds is ideal for counteracting depressive symptoms.

Exercise in the great outdoors and group or team sports have proven to be particularly effective.

Individual sport also has some advantages, but there is a lack of a social component and a sense of belonging, both of which have an additional positive effect on self-esteem.

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The advantages of exercise can also be effectively understood through neurobiological connections: sport, like some antidepressants, increases the serotonin level in the brain, which has a positive effect on mood.

It also causes the body to break down stress hormones. In addition, being physically active has a positive effect on most people – you overcome your inner “couch potato”, and this increases your feeling of self-confidence.

You learn that, despite depression, you are still able to manage activities successfully. If you would like to know which intensity, frequency and sports are best suited for the prevention and therapy of depression, try out our psychoeducation program.

Here you will find detailed information on these topics and you can find activities suited to your individual needs and interests.

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