Mood Chart
Visualizing you mood is an important element in the treatment of your depression Start NOWWhat is a mood chart for?
Affective disorders are mainly characterised by 2 factors
– the occurrence of fluctuating symptoms and
– their temporal course.
These factors, which are relevant for diagnosis, can be systematically and ideally represented in a mood chart.
A chart can also indicate whether or not you are dealing with a depressed mood, so-called “blips”, or a genuine depressive episode.
Individual affective symptoms will be documented daily by you and a significant total value will be presented.
Identify disease patterns and ensure optimal treatment
Recognize Episodes and Mood Patterns:
Document and Recognize Early Symptoms:
Ensure an Optimal Treatment Result:
The® mood chart
The Depression Score:
The Depression-Mania Scale:
Functional Impairments:
General, Influencing Factors:
Specific Influencing Factors:
Medication Consumption:
Document, which substances you take and how much