
According to Austrian Law: § 5 ECG, § 25 MedienG and § 14 UGB

Company name:


Corporate purpose:

Development and operation of digital business models including production and trade of medical devices, limited to medical device software

Commercial register court:

LG Korneuburg

Commercial register number:

FN 488003 b

Membership Commercial Chamber

Commercial Chamber Lower Austria (WKO Niederösterreich)

Regulatory Authority:

Bezirkshauptmannschaft Tulln, Niederösterreich

Applicable legislation and access to it:

Commercial Code (Gewerbeordnung)

VAT number:


Bank account:

Bank Austria, IBAN: AT66 1200 0100 2356 8578, BIC: BKAUATWW

Registered office and address:

Am Renninger 8, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria


Telephone: +43 676 4760299 (also via WhatsApp)

General Manager:

Mag. Daniel Amann, DI Bernhard Redl

Information on data protection:

See Privacy statement

Information Security Policy

Information security is the focus of our company! Download our information security policy

Information on minimum technical requirements:

Minimum desktop browser version or higher: Google Chrome 75, Mozilla Firefox 68.8, Microsoft Edge 80, Safari 11.
Minimum mobile browser version or higher: Google Chrome 83 (Android), Safari 12 (iOS).
Minimum operational system or higher using app: Android 10 or iOS 12.1.

Information on medical devices:

Responsible authority: BASG – Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen

For questions or problems please contact (Bernhard Redl, Security Officer)

Intended use of®️ system

The intended use of® is based on those of the two medical devices it contains:

The online-based psychoeducation for unipolar depressive patients developed by® is based on the goal-oriented and structured communication of preventive and disease-relevant information to patients with unipolar depression, combined with psychotherapeutic effective factors, largely derived from elements of cognitive behavioral therapy, with the aim of

  • the reduction of depressive symptoms,
  • the improvement of the course of the illness of depressive patients,
  • the improvement of the functional level of depressed patients,
  • improving treatment adherence,
  • Improving the remission rates of depressed patients,
  • reducing the risk of relapse in mild to moderate depressed patients,
  • preventive effects in people with low symptom severity.

The® mood chart is used for monitoring

  • of depression symptoms,
  • mood instability,
  • residual symptoms of unipolar depressed patients,
  • as well as in the presence of depressive “sub-threshold symptoms”,

which gives the patient visual feedback on dis-ease progression and therapy response.
In addition, the mood chart is used to monitor newly developing depressive symptoms in the context of relapse, thus supporting early detection of relapse or recurrence by the patient.
In addition, the® mood diagram supports the patient’s recognition of temporal relationships between depressive symptoms and factors that may have a positive or negative influence on the course of the disease or the response to therapy. Thus, the® mood diagram supports desired behavioral changes by the patient.

Link to the studies

Explore Edupression

Our vision at® is to create a place, where all depressed people feel they are in good hands - empowering them to beat depression!

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